FAQ on Races in Online Casinos + Best Casinos List
The competition among online casinos is super tough, and they are trying their best to attract new customers and to make happy the existing ones. Here is how that diversity of promotions offered by online casinos became possible.
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You might have heard about the following promotions in online casinos: bonuses, various VIP programs, tournaments and races. Each of them has its own specificities, and in this article, I am going to dive deeper into such an online casino’s promotion as races.
What is a Race in Online casino
A race in an online casino is a competition among players. How do we determine who wins? It is very simple, and the player who makes more real money bets in the given period of time wins the race. However, most of the times, there is more than one pedestal place, but the first place holder gains bigger than other participants obviously.
Races could vary significantly from one online casino to another (we will talk about it in more details later), but there are some aspects that are similar among all of them:
A player who makes more real money bets wins the race.
An online casino provides players with a prize pool (or other valuable stuff). So to say, an online casino player doesn’t have to invest extra money to take part in a race.
A race lasts only a certain period of time, which was determined beforehand. On the final day of the race, the winners will be named.
It incentives online casino players to gamble more. It is mostly in best interests of online casinos, but casino players are not left behind as they get sometimes quite lucrative prizes out of nowhere.
There is almost always a leaderboard somewhere on online casino’s website, where you can find out how you and other contenders are doing.
Kinds of Races in online casinos
Depending on the angle how you look at them, races in online casinos could be divided into the following groups.
In terms of a period of time:
long term races (that last at least one month, and in some extreme cases it could be even one year)
short term races (daily or weekly races)
In terms of paying places:
inclusive races (at least the first ten players are getting rewarded)
exclusive races (very limited number of winners, usually three, but could be even one)
In terms of regularity:
one time races (often are dedicated to some anniversary)
regular races (happen each week/month and start right after the previous one)
In terms of prizes (there could be used just one prize or a mixture of them):
cash races
valuable gift races (usually some electronic devices)
free spins races
VIP points races (players are basically rewarded by higher VIP level)
In terms of in which casino games players are eligible to make bets:
slots races (only bets in slots are counted)
all casino games races (bets in all casino games are welcome)
How to participate in Races
I would say, nine times out of ten it happens automatically, and no additional steps need to be taken from the player’s side. However, some races are available only for players with high VIP levels, and, in this case, you might have to contact a support team in order to participate.
How would the best online Casino Race look like
The best race is where the competition among players as low as possible. How can we measure it? You can look at a leaderboard and find out how much points the first running contender has. Knowing how much each point costs, you can easily assess how much it would cost for you to compete.
Where to find the info about available Races in online casinos
It is predictable that online casinos are eager to brag about each promotion they have. Hence, the info about tournaments and races is usually very easy to access, and it is situated on the top dashboard of the casino’s website (relatively rare on the footage of the website).
Here is an example of how it could look like.

A tip for those who have decided to compete
Every race has a deadline, on which all points will be counted. In my experience, especially when the prizes are good, competitors are trying to gain more points as the race comes to its end.
Thus, don’t expect your competitors’ points to progress at a stable pace. Be sure, some of them will gain an enormous amount of points at the very end of the race so that they could beat you up.
Races are surely a very cool feature, which provides online casino players with an opportunity to make a few extra bucks. But please keep in mind that they are in place to make you gamble more than you normally would.
Therefore, it is a nice idea to participate in them, but only in a smart way. Namely, just simply don’t go crazy investing too much money in this venture, because potential gains probably won’t make up for inevitable losses.
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